
From the 1990s and into the new millennium, there were several iconic mall and stand alone stores that people would often visit (people visited malls quite often back then, at least here in the US). I've dedicated this entire page primarily to clothing and accessory stores which existed in the 2000s.

Here are some links to websites which provide further knowledge on 2000s retail and products:

Shopping Cart

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Hot Topic

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Abercrombie and Fitch

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Bath and Body Works (Heartland Era)

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Bath and Body Works (Temptations Era)

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Try looking for secondhand items from the decade on eBay.

Smiley face

So come along with me and let's go hang out at the the mall together. Maybe we'll go window shopping at Hot Topic, buy a new CD from FYE, or grab a lemonade and a pizza at Sbarro.